God is a terrorist


And that was how the Nation of Israel was born, through terrorism. And from the Nation of Israel emerged the nations of Jesus Christ and Islam. And it has been terrorism for thousands of years until now.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

My previous article, Muslims are terrorists, attracted some interesting responses. However, I did not bother to publish all the responses because some were repetitive while others were just Islam-bashing and which would have just attracted hate-responses from Muslims.

The conclusion by some readers is you cannot compare killings done by Muslims with killings done by non-Muslims. This is not comparing apples to apples. Killings done by Muslims are evil and unjustified while killings done by non-Muslims are noble and justified.

Killings done by Muslims are not acceptable because it is done in the name of religion while killings done by non-Muslims are necessary because it is done in the name of democracy, freedom, human rights and civil liberties and not in the name of religion.

Muslims target specific victims and is meant to terrorise the population and many non-combatants or innocent bystanders are intentionally killed in the process. Non-Muslims may also target specific victims and many non-combatants or innocent bystanders are also killed in the process but this in unintentional and merely collateral damage.

In short, we must condemn killings done by Muslims but have to accept those done by non-Muslims as a necessary evil in the fight to uphold democracy, freedom, human rights and civil liberties.

And many read what I wrote as an attempt to justify killings done by Muslims and an attempt to preach that two wrongs make a right and that if non-Muslims can kill indiscriminately then Muslims also have a right to do the same.

That is what happens when you read with blinkers over your eyes and with a prejudice that everything Muslims do is wrong and everything that non-Muslims do is right.

So let us now go to the second part of this article, which I have called God is a terrorist. And let us see what Exodus has to say about killing. And I quote Exodus because that is the book regarding Moses, the Prophet of the Jews, who is also the Prophet of the Christians and Muslims.

In academic circles, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are grouped under the Semitic religions or Abrahamic faiths. In short, they all share the same roots although the Christians now have the books of the New Testament and the Muslims the Qur’an and Hadith. Nevertheless, Moses is still very much the Prophet of all three.

Now, what is a terrorist? According to the definition, a terrorist is someone (an individual or someone belonging to a body of persons) who terrorises others, mainly to force that person or persons into submission.

If that is the definition of a terrorist then God is a terrorist because, according to Exodus, God terrorised the Pharaoh and the Egyptians into submitting to Moses. And in this act of terrorism God brought down many plagues onto the Egyptians.

The Plague of Blood

The Plague of Frogs

The Plague of Gnats

The Plague of Flies

The Plague on Livestock

The Plague of Boils

The Plague of Hail

The Plague of Locusts

The Plague of Darkness

The Plague on the Firstborn

Eventually the Pharaoh and the Egyptians were terrorised into submission and they allowed Moses and his people to leave Egypt.

Then God terrorised Moses and his people with the punishment of wandering 40 years in the desert without a home. The Israelites, in turn, on God’s command, terrorised all the other communities they met along the way and launched their ethnic cleansing to exterminate all those who still insisted on praying to other Gods and who refused to accept the God of Moses.

Hence, in short, the book of Exodus is about terrorism and about how God was behind all these acts of terrorism. Hence also, in short, according to Exodus, God is a terrorist by definition.

And that was how the Nation of Israel was born, through terrorism. And from the Nation of Israel emerged the nations of Jesus Christ and Islam. And it has been terrorism for thousands of years until now.

The only difference is Islam, which was born 600 years after Jesus, still terrorises in the name of religion while the Jews and Christians no longer hide behind religion to terrorise others but use ‘modern values’ such as democracy, freedom, human rights and civil liberties.

Hence this makes Muslims bad terrorists and the non-Muslims good terrorists because non-Muslims do not use religion but use noble values to terrorise others.

Muslims kill because God commands it in certain situations against enemies of God and those who disobey God. Jews and Christians do not because they disobey God and are no longer good Jews or good Christians.

Exodus 12.15 says: Anyone who attacks their father or mother is to be put to death.

Exodus 12.17 says: Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.

Exodus 12.16 says: Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper’s possession.

Exodus 22.18 says: Do not allow a sorceress to live.

Exodus 22.19 says: Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal is to be put to death.

Exodus 22.20 says: Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed.

Exodus 22.22-24 says: Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives will become widows and your children fatherless.

Exodus 22.28 says: Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people.

Those are just some of the laws but in the end it is all about if you do this or you do that you must be punished and in most cases the punishment is death.

According to the Muslim law of Hudud, if you steal your hand must be amputated. According to Exodus, if you cannot pay back what you stole you must be sold as a slave.

In Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., you suffer the law of karma. Hence, if you do bad you suffer bad, and if you do good you enjoy good. Christians and Muslims, however, are terrorised into submission. In fact, some interpret Islam to mean submission. And if you do not submit you will be tortured after you die.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not really religions of love and peace, as some argue. They are religions of war. It about obeying God or suffer the punishment. It is about defy God and suffer death. It is about you must resist, fight and kill those who will not bow to God and accept the one God and still insist on praying to other Gods.

The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a jealous God who cannot accept other Gods. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a vengeful God who punishes you for disobedience. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a God who has human emotions of love, hate and anger. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a God you must never cross if you do not want to suffer punishment in this world and the next. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a terrorist who makes you tremble and obey out of fear.

