Humanity on trial: The case of the third gender


Can you blame God if you are born with a dark complexion? Can you blame God if you are born into poverty? Can you blame God if you are born with a disease? Can you blame God if you are born a transgender?

Fa Abdul, FMT

In this life, we make lots of choices – what to wear, what to eat, where to work, where to holiday, who to marry, how many children to have. Some are very important choices. Some are not. The choices we make determine our happiness or our unhappiness because we have to live with the consequences. Through these choices, we shape our lives and our society.

However there are times when we are robbed of the freedom to make choices simply because those choices have already been made for us. This includes the colour of our skin, our ethnicity, our bloodline and our sexuality.

Who makes these choices on our behalf? Our Creator does.

Can you blame God if you are born with a dark complexion? Can you blame God if you are born into poverty? Can you blame God if you are born with a disease? Can you blame God if you are born a transgender?

First of all, let’s get this fact into our thick skulls – no human is better than another because of the social categories we classify ourselves into. A woman is worth no less than a man. A transgender is worth no less than a woman or a man.

This is the beauty of Islam where we are all equal in the eyes of God. What does make us different from each other is how we conduct ourselves.

However, for many Muslims, being a transgender is a matter of sin. But how fair is this when we hold them responsible for something they have absolutely no control over?

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