Another whistle-blower punished over indelible ink issue


(TMI) – An Armed Forces flight sergeant who lodged a police report along with whistle-blower Major Zaidi Ahmad over the washable indelible ink used in the May 2013 general election has been demoted for breaching Armed Forces protocol, said sources familiar with the case.

The source said the demotion order was issued a few days ago to technician Jamal Ibrahim, who is based at the Butterworth Air Force base, demoting him to the rank of sergeant following Zaidi’s sacking on January 12 after being found guilty of two charges of breaching protocol in revealing problems with the indelible ink.

Zaidi was found guilty by the military court in Kuala Lumpur.

Jamal was charged for breaching the standing order by talking to the media. The source said the punishment was decided after Zaidi’s sacking.

“Zaidi was found guilty and automatically Jamal as well. He was not brought to court but was still punished for the alleged offence,” the source told The Malaysian Insider.

It is understood that Jamal was tried in front of the Commanding Officer of the Butterworth Air Force base.

The source said Jamal was given an option whether to fight his case in the martial court or be tried by the commanding officer and he chose the latter.

The source said that with a “tainted” record following his demotion, Jamal may lose all chances of promotions in the future.

Jamal, who is in his 40s, has served in the Armed Forces for about 20 years and is expected to retire in 2016.

According to the source, Jamal’s salary will also be reduced slightly.

He is unlikely to fight the demotion as he has another year to serve before retirement, the source added.

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