I wanted to be suicide bomber: Mariam’s attacker


“Coming out of the mosque after the sermon, I immediately felt like becoming a suicide bomber. Very effective sermon, eh?”


Or: how to find extremists everywhere

“Coming out of the mosque after the sermon, I immediately felt like becoming a suicide bomber. Very effective sermon, eh?”

Those remarkable words were stated on Friday by Zaparudin Abdul Rahim, who sells Korean apparel online, and fancies himself as a media critic. He’s now enjoying newfound fame in all leading Umno newspapers and websites for having gone to the police to accuse political commentator Mariam Mokhtar of sedition.

He’s enjoying the publicity. “Not easy to get in the papers, you know,” he said on Facebook, after posting images of Berita Harian and Kosmo. “Frame them up, for the grandkids,” he said.

On Friday, though, grandkids were far from his mind.

Tajuk khutbah Jumaat dekat Shah Alam hari ni
“Kesejahteraan Ummah dengan Dakwah” 

Lepas habis Jummat, keluar masjid saya terus rasa nak jadi seorang pengebom berani mati. Terkesan sungguh khutbah tadi eh?


Impressive sermon ... a wish to be a suicide bomber

Impressive sermon … a wish to be a suicide bomber

The next day, after being alerted to Mariam’s article on Free Malaysia Today, he began preparations to report her for sedition. Maybe that’s another way of becoming a suicide bomber.

Was he being serious about suicide bombing? Was he being sarcastic? Was he trying to give effusive praise to the imam? Was he trying to act tough? Or only trying to get attention?

Who knows?

But the way he said it is starkly similar to Eric Paulsen’s remark on Twitter a week ago. But instead of praise in Umno media, Eric’s remark riled up the Inspector-General of Police so much that he ordered Eric’s immediate arrest.

Arrested for poor syntax

Deleted but preserved by the Internet

Deleted but preserved by the Internet

The man who put the words “extremism” and
“Jakim” in the same sentence. Tut, tut

Oh dear. Struck by Eric’s poor command of English and atrocious syntax, the IGP (or some Umno cybertrooper, or some religious nutter) immediately labelled it “biadap”, using an image that apparently was lifted: from an Umno cybertrooper web site? or provided by a Special Branch black operative? Who knows?

It was good enough for the IGP. Eric must be arrested.

Because Eric said IGP is human rights enemy No 3?

Just for one silly tweet of 140 characters or less? Or because Eric had listed the IGP as one of the top 5 Enemies of Human Rights in Malaysia?

Listed by Eric as Human Rights: Enemy No 3

Listed by Eric as Human Rights: Enemy No 3

Or because of deaths in police custody?

Or because police keep dying in police custody?

Or because police keep dying in police custody?

Oh. Because ‘biadab’ means sedition


When did Eric libel Isma?

When did Eric libel Isma?

No, the IGP said it’s because Eric was rude. So it’s rude. So what? So: being rude has now been elevated, and is now an arrestable offence, ever since the IGP or some ulama or some Umno pencaci said so. Being rude has been elevated to being seditious, that is to say, being rude is to seek to overthrow the government of the day by violent and illegal means. In 140 characters or less. No less.

Read more at: https://uppercaise.wordpress.com/2015/01/27/i-wanted-to-be-suicide-bomber-mariams-attacker/
