PAS sec-gen dares Guan Eng to ‘face off’ over third vote issue

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(Malay Mail Online) – PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali today challenged Lim Guan Eng to a debate to settle the ongoing squabble between the two parties over the DAP’s bid to restore local council polls.

Mustafa insisted that while PAS acknowledges its Pakatan Rakyat (PR) ally’s push for the third vote to be reinstated, the Islamist party does not agree to its implementation.

“Yes, Guan Eng spoke to me over the phone and told me that local government election is part of DAP’S election pledge and that they are under tremendous pressure by NGOs to see it through.

“But this call only came after the DAP state government passed the enactment at the legislative assembly and we acknowledged it, but didn’t agree to it.

“Guan Eng shouldn’t be saying we agreed to it… don’t lie… don’t resort to half truths,” said Mustafa at a press conference today.


