High drama as MIC crisis worsens


(The Star) – The MIC leadership crisis deteriorated further into uncertainty, now with the Youth faction announcing that it was taking over the security management of the party headquarters after heated scuffles.

The Youth wing, led by C. Sivarraajh, took charge of the security yesterday, replacing personnel hired by secretary-general Datuk G. Kumaar Aamaan.

The drama began yesterday morning when MIC vice-president Datuk M. Saravanan and Wanita chief M. Mohana arrived at the headquarters in Menara Manickavasagam for a press conference.

A commotion broke out at the entrance when security guards barricaded the glass doors, refusing to let the two in. They told them to first obtain permission from Kumaar.

Saravanan and Mohana claimed the security guards were “thugs”, who harassed and hurled profanities at them when they arrived at about 10am.

The two were eventually allowed in for the 1.30pm conference.

Apparently, Kumaar put in place the additional security following a chaotic meeting on Dec 18 last year.

Soon after the commotion outside the building, Saravanan received a call from an anonymous person, who threatened to “shoot him dead”.

The call, believed to be made from a public phone booth, was put on loudspeaker for reporters and other party members to listen in.

Saravanan dared the caller to carry out the threat.

“Come over and shoot me if you want, I am here at the headquarters.

“Everyone is here including the media, so you can do whatever you want,” he told the caller, whose voice was barely audible.

Saravanan then instructed the Youth members, who heard the call, to lodge a police report. He also ordered that the Youth wing take charge of security at the headquarters.

Mohana said she was shaken by the incident.

Mohana, who appeared to be in tears, claimed that she was harassed by the guards who claimed that they did not recognise her.

“The guards pushed me and Datuk Saravanan out and even locked the doors to prevent us from entering.

“Think about it, I am the chief and I am subjected to such harassment; what about regular party members, what would their fate be?”

Mohana said party president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel should take responsibility and put an end to this party conflict.

On another note, Saravanan challenged Palanivel to hold a central working committee meeting within 24 hours to formally dismiss him as Federal Territory division chief.

Although Palanivel has issued a statement stating that Saravanan had been removed from the post, the latter claimed he received a text message from the president several hours later, urging him to stay on.

“He asked me to resign at 6pm on Tuesday but sent me a text message at 11pm, which simply read ‘Datuk, we do not need to reshuffle, you have to stay as the division chief’.

“However, I was sent a letter of termination, not from the president or his officers, but by a group of thugs,” he said, showing reporters the message.

He said Palanivel had to seek approval from the CWC before firing him from his post, as stated in the party constitution.

Palanivel could not be reached for comment at press time.

