PAS distances itself from Mustafa Ali’s debate challenge to Guan Eng

Mustafa Ali

(Malay Mail Online) – PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali’s debate challenge to his DAP counterpart Lim Guan Eng does not represent the Islamist party’s stand, deputy president Mohamad Sabu said today.

Mohamad played down the ongoing spat over the third vote between the two parties as a “small matter”, insisting that PAS is not bent on “burning bridges” with its Pakatan Rakyat partner.

“It was not a party stand. PAS is still on very good terms with DAP, we don’t have any big rift,” he said, adding that Mustafa issued the challenge in his personal capacity.

Mohamad rubbished rumours that the spat between the two parties over reinstating local council elections was a sign the opposition pact was breaking up, stressing that it is a matter than can be easily resolved.

“Pakatan Rakyat is still very strong. Of course we have our disagreements, just like Barisan Nasional’s MCA, MIC, UMNO… they have disagreements too but that doesn’t mean they are breaking up,” he said.

When asked about Mustafa’s challenge to Lim to debate hudud and the local council polls issue, Mohamad declined to comment, saying the matter is between the two.

He insisted that despite the open spat between DAP and PAS, PR is still united and is even getting stronger as a pact.

“If there is a rift as a result of this small problem, I wouldn’t be here now so it is really a very small matter,” he said after attending the official opening of the Penang sixth international halal expo and conference along with Lim and Penang state executive councillors.

Two days ago, Mustafa challenged to Lim to a public debate on hudud and the local government elections.

Lim has not responded but DAP national organising secretary Anthony Loke labelled the challenge as an attempt by PAS to “burn bridges” with the DAP.

