Stay out of my fight with Guan Eng, Mustafa Ali tells DAP politicians


(The Malaysian Insider) – Datuk Mustafa Ali has told DAP politicians to stay out of the current exchanges between Lim Guan Eng and himself over the implementation of local government elections.

The Islamist party secretary-general said the issue between him and the DAP leader was one that involved integrity.

“The real issue here is I challenged Lim Guan Eng to a debate when he accused me of being insincere and I said he was a liar. Actually, he is a liar as he is a loose cannon (mulut celupar),” he said in a statement today replying to points raised by the DAP organising secretary Anthony Loke and his deputy, Zairil Khir Johari.

Loke had said Mustafa was trying to break up the coalition with the challenge while Zairil had said Mustafa should settle the matter at the Pakatan Rakyat leadership council meeting or sue Lim.

Mustafa said both either did not understand his statement or were trying to divert attention from the issue.

“This is a question of integrity. My integrity has been challenged. I have been accused of being insincere and not fit to sit in the Pakatan leadership council.

“The same goes for Lim Guan Eng. As he has been accused of lying so he is also unfit to sit in the council.”

Both leaders had  issued a series of statement over Pakatan Rakyat policies with Guan Eng stating that PAS had never raised its plan to introduce hudud at the leadership council, while Mustafa retaliated by stating that DAP had never discussed its plan to introduce local government elections in Penang at the council.


