Mustafa-Lim dispute puts Pakatan at risk

kula segaran

A disappointment to the 52% who voted for change, says DAP vice-chairman.

(Free Malaysia Today) – The spat between PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali and his DAP counterpart Lim Guan Eng about local government elections will damage Pakatan Rakyat if it is not dealt with quickly, warned a DAP lawmaker.

Ipoh Barat MP M Kula Segaran cautioned that Pakatan would lose its public appeal as a strong alternate to Barisan Nasional if its leadership failed to meet soonest possible to end the Mustafa vs Lim public spat.

He described as “uncalled for” Mustafa’s challenge to Lim for a public debate on the issue, and warned that people would lose confidence and trust in the coalition if the matter dragged on.

“The Pakatan leadership council is the best place to resolve the dispute and it must meet at the earliest,” he said. “It cannot be denied this open debate challenge issue is now seen as the factor which may damage our common relationship built over the years in Pakatan.

“Mustafa’s call for an open debate with Lim is most unnecessary and his attacks are unwarranted. If the displute is not resolved early, the Pakatan sustainability as a formidable government in waiting is all but gone.

“Is this the final outcome of the wishes of the 52% Malaysians, who voted strongly and prayed for a change of the federal government in the last general election?” asked Kula in a statement here today.


