No one strong enough to topple Najib


Economist says throwing him out will damage Malaysia’s image and turn Umno even more to the right.

(Free Malaysia Today) – None of Najib Razak’s rivals commands enough support within Umno or among Malaysian voters to pose any threat to his continuing as party president and prime minister, The Economist newspaper said in its latest issue.

“Mr Najib’s position is probably safe for the moment,” it said in an article headlined Knives Out.

Much would depend on the economy, the newsweekly said, pointing to Najibs’ role as PM and finance minister in dealing with the effect of falling oil prices, and spending cuts coming on top of the new Goods and Services Tax.

The Economist speculated that Najib’s political opponents may have encouraged the Federal Court to deliver a verdict in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder that would return the case to the headlines. The weekly pointed out that Najib had always denied any involvement in the crime, and there was no evidence to the contrary. But the case was a magnet for conspiracists.”

At the same time “factions loyal to Mahathir Mohamad, a former prime minister who won’t go away, accuse Mr Najib of not looking out for UMNO’s ethnic-Malay Muslim majority. Rumours persist that rebels are rallying around Mr Najib’s deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin,” The Economist said.

None of Najib’s rivals yet commanded quite enough support within Umno or among voters.

Najib was “throwing bones to his detractors” by backing down on a promise to do away with the Sedition Act, pledging instead to bolster it with new clauses that would criminalise some speech against Islam and other religions.


