‘Don’t play the fool with me,’ Gobind tells IGP


Gobind Singh Deo says he and the rakyat have all the right to ask pertinent questions regarding the Altantuya murder case.

(Free Malaysia Today) – The MP for Puchong has taken on the Inspector General of Police for warning people against asking any more questions regarding police investigations into the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu.

In a statement, Gobind Singh Deo said members of the public, as well as journalists, lawyers and even DAP elder Lim Kit Siang wanted to know the motive behind her murder, something that was never revealed yet resulted in the conviction of two men who have since been sentenced to death by hanging.

“Is he warning all of us?

“For if he is, let me tell him, don’t play the fool with me. Don’t warn or threaten us,” Gobind said in a statement.

Saying Khalid Abu Bakar did not have the right to warn anyone from asking any more questions about the murder, Gobind added, “I am a Member of Parliament. It is my duty to question and Khalid can rest assured, I will continue to question.”

He also insisted, that as IGP, Khalid had to “learn to respect” the people’s right to know the truth, and as such was duty bound to answer.

“So I ask him to state again. Did the police probe motive for the killing of Altantuya Shaariibuu?

“If no, why not?. If yes, do the police know who directed her killing and why?” Gobind asked.


