Leaders must be Muslims, says PAS (WITH VIDEO)


A spokesman for the ulama wing says choosing a non-Muslim political leader is a no-no.

(Free Malaysia Today) – PAS’ ulama wing has declared that it is against any move to replace a Muslim political leadership with a non-Muslim one.

Supporting such a move would be at odds with an important Islamic political principle, according to the wing’s information chief, Mohamad Khairuddin Aman Razali.

Khairuddin said PAS demonstrated its commitment to the principle in 2011 when it rejected a proposal to nominate Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian for the Chief Minister’s post in the state.

Khairuddin was speaking yesterday at an ulama conference here.

Speaking at the same conference, PAS Central Working Committee member Nasrudin Hassan hit out at “a small group of leaders” in the party who he said were so keen to capture Putrajaya that they would sacrifice the Islamic agenda to get there.


SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7RF92hQVb0

