No PAS meet on ‘plot’ to overthrow Hadi

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Normal meeting before Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council meeting

(Free Malaysia Today) – The Central PAS meetings have never discussed any plots to overthrow Abdul Hadi Awang or the implementation of the hudud enactment.

PAS Secretary-General Mustafa Ali, in making the clarification, added that PAS held a meeting before the Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council meeting. “The meeting only discussed the selection of committee members and financial matters,” said Mustafa.

PAS members had a gathering in front of PAS Headquarters alleging that Director of Elections and Kuala Krai MP Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli was behind efforts to overthrow Hadi.

The gathering, headed by PAS Kuantan Youth Chief Noorzazilafadli Ibrahim demanded that Hatta tender his resignation given the allegation against him.

Those in the gathering had placards reading “pecat Hatta dan konco-konco” (sack Hatta and gang members) dan “kami dikhianati Hatta Ramli”, (We have been betrayed by Hatta Ramli) to greet the arrival of PAS leaders for the meeting.


