‘Disappointed’, Ismail Sabri says MCA’s priority misplaced by focusing on race, not prices


(MMO) – MCA has misplaced its priorities by focusing on racial issues instead of working to lower prices of goods and services for consumers, Umno minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has said.

Ismail Sabri, who has come under attack last week by political ally MCA over his allegedly “racist” call for Malays to boycott Chinese traders, conceded that he felt the party’s focus “disappointing”.

“Personally, I’m still as usual. But quite disappointing, I’m quite disappointed with MCA because MCA’s focus should be to be together with me to fight for the lowering of goods’ prices, not focus until today on racial issues that cannot be solved,” he said during a live streaming of an interview last night on Utusan Online.

“The actual struggle is to help the public get better prices. That should be the focus, but it looks like their priorities are wrong,” the ministry of agriculture and agro-based industries added on Umno-owned paper Utusan Malaysia’s news portal.

He was replying to a question on how he felt about MCA’s move to lodge police reports against him, as the party was an ally within the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.

Ismail Sabri suggested that MCA rope in Chinese consumers to join hands with consumers of other ethnicities to form a big force to pressure businesses to bring down their prices, saying: “Because those who are affected are also the Chinese. It’s the same.”

Read more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/disappointed-ismail-sabri-says-mcas-priority-misplaced-by-focusing-on-race
