Malaysians, be careful with your tweets! PDRM is watching you!


Was Khalid’s instruction to detain individuals behind any seditious tweets made directly without having to going through the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) first?

Ahmad Fadzly Esa, The Ant Daily

Social media users, be warned! Be more careful of what you say through your Twitter account.

This is because Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar may be reading every tweet that you make, right at this very moment.

If your tweet smells seditious, he will, without compromise and hesitation whatsoever – order PDRM, specifically the Police Cyber Investigation Response Centre (PCIRC), to track, arrest and investigate you under the Sedition Act. Now, don’t say that you have not been warned?

In my opinion, it matters less whether Khalid’s actions are ‘good’ or ‘bad’. If viewed positively, it clearly shows how effective our IGP is in combating seditious comments on social media.

Yet, we can’t help but wonder why he only monitors the Twitter. Why not monitor seditious comments on Facebook as well?

And since we’re on this topic, was Khalid’s instruction to detain individuals behind any seditious tweets made directly without having to going through the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) first?

Shouldn’t the MCMC be the agency responsible to take action against social media users?

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