Umno to Malik: Prove it, or you’re a liar


PKR man challenged to back up claim of Umno shifting voters to Permatang Pauh.

Penang PKR election chairman Malik Kassim has been challenged to prove his claim that Barisan Nasional was moving voters into the Permatang Pauh parliamentary constituency, or be shown up as a liar.

Penang Umno deputy leader Reezal Merican Naina Merican said the accusation was straight out of Malik’s wildest imagination and part of a deceptive political mind game to hoodwink the people.

He said the electoral roll for the 2013 general election showed 71,699 registered voters in Permatang Pauh; at June 30 last year there were 72,496 voters.

Reezal asked how such a small increase of 797 voters could be significant enough for PKR to fear losing a by-election there.

The MP for Permatang Pauh is PKR’s de facto leader, Anwar Ibrahim, who has begun a five-year jail sentence for alleged sodomy. It would disqualify him as an MP and a by-election must be called if the seat is declared vacant.

Malik, an executive councillor in the Pakatan Rakyat-led state government, said Umno had been moving voters into Permatang Pauh and that was the reason for Umno’s confidence in facing the by-election.

However, Reezal, who is MP for Kepala Batas, said Malik should prove his claim that Umno and BN have moved voters into Permatang Pauh. “He should not act like a loose cannon firing rubber bullets. We challenge him to prove it. Or else, he is a liar.”


