No Kidex, so how will Azmin solve traffic woes?


(Bernama) – The Selangor government’s decision to cancel the Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (KIDEX) project has left many Petaling Jaya residents disappointed.

Ajit Johl, 45, said the decision shows that the Selangor government is not concerned with the suffering of residents who have to endure severe traffic congestion on a daily basis.

“Since the Selangor government has cancelled the Kidex project, please tell the residents what are your plans to resolve the bottleneck?

“I hope the menteri besar does not politicise the Kidex project and make us the victims. We need an alternative route,” he told Bernama, here today.

Selangor menteri besar Mohamad Azmin Ali was urged to review the decision to cancel the Kidex project and provide a better proposal to the residents.

Mohamad Rafiq Fazaldin, 59, said his long wait for an alternative route was dashed when Kidex was cancelled by an insensitive Selangor government.

The Section 5 resident said the Selangor government did not care for the residents plight despite many being supportive of Kidex.

“The Selangor government does not need to spend on Kidex. Those who are against Kidex need not use it and leave those who are fed-up with traffic jams,” he added.

Meanwhile, Faekah Hussin said the Selangor government did not have the jurisdiction to cancel Kidex as it is a federal government project.

The former special aide to former Selangor menteri besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said Azmin should be more careful with his words as the Selangor government was only involved in planning the approval.

“The Selangor government can only give or deny approval for the plans and cannot cancel the Kidex project,” she added.

Azmin said the cancellation of Kidex was because the concessionaire failed to comply with certains conditions set by the Selangor government.

They failed to provide Traffic Impact Assessment, Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment, he said in a statement today.

