Why cancel Kidex but not Datum Jelatek? Critics ask Azmin


(Malay Mail Online) – Selangor Mentri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali has been accused of practising double standards for cancelling the Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (Kidex) due to public protests but failing to do the same with the Datum Jelatek property project.

In two separate reports by Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia today, Azmin was reminded that like Kidex, the Datum Jelatek project has also irked affected residents in the Malay-centric Taman Keramat neighbourhood.

“The two projects are suffering from the same issue, they have received protests from the residents who see that it would bring adverse effects from many aspects,” Salleh Samad, the chairman of the Datum Jelatek action committee, told the Malay newspaper.

“But why could Azmin be tolerant in the Kidex project but stubborn in continuing the Datum Jelatek project? We want his explanation on this matter.”

Salleh accused Azmin of acceding to the calls of non-Bumiputera residents in the Kidex matter, but refusing to hear the demands of Taman Keramat residents which he claimed was 100 per cent Bumiputera.

Salleh also claimed that Azmin cancelled Kidex to gain DAP’s support in order to become the next Opposition Leader.

In another report, Utusan Malaysia quoted Selangor Umno secretary Datuk Johan Abdul Aziz and Selangor Opposition Leader Datuk Mohd Shamsudin Lias lauding Kidex as a project that could alleviate traffic problems for the public.

“On what basis did the state government say their excuse was to take into account the public’s views for cancelling the Kidex project?

“Why didn’t the state government accept the protests and opinions of residents who protested against the Datuk Jelatek project?” Johan was quoted asking.

“The state government’s decision to cancel the project was as if made without considering the long-term effect towards traffic increase and area developments in Selangor,” added Shamsudin.

Selangor yesterday rejected the controversial Kidex project after claiming that the developer had failed to meet terms set by the state government before a February 14 deadline.

Azmin noted that Kidex did not disclose various reports for the project such as a traffic impact assessment, a social impact assessment and an environmental impact assessment, besides failing to reveal the toll rates and full concession agreement.

The cancellation of the RM2.42 billion highway project came after Selangor residents held a protest last month against Kidex and the Damansara-Shah Alam Highway (Dash) highway project.

