Ex-IGP: Sirul must give names, not just threaten


Former police inspector says if there is new evidence Sirul should come back from Australia to assist with the investigations.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Former Inspector of Police Musa Hassan agrees with his successor, Khalid Abu Bakar, that the police would need a reason to re-open the case on the killing of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu in 2006.

He was commenting on a DAP statement on fugitive former police commando Sirul Azhar Umar, 42, threatening to tell all on the case. Sirul was recently convicted and sentenced to death along with former Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri of murdering Altantuya.

“He can’t just threaten. It looks like he wants to say (something) but doesn’t do so,” said Musa in a statement carried by Malaysiakini. “If there’s new evidence, the police can act. He can come back from Australia to assist with the investigations.”

“He must reveal names for a new investigation to be opened on the case.”

That Sirul and Azilah had murdered Altantuya and blown up her body by using C4 explosives was virtually admitted by the former when he as good as made a confession from Australia, saying: “If I die today, I would not find peace. I did what I was told and this is what I get in return.”

Sirul claims that he never admitted to anything on the death of the deceased. Sirul, a father of two, had previously expressed dissatisfaction that his immediate superior and then Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s aide, DSP Musa Safri, had not been cross-examined.

The fugitive, held at the Villawood immigration detention centre in Sydney since January 21 after an Interpol red notice, is still maintaining that he acted under orders and was being made a scapegoat.

He stressed that he was convicted based on circumstantial evidence, the test used in civil cases, and that there were no witnesses to the killing. “Circumstantial evidence is not as strong as direct evidence.”


