Sirul will address Malaysian media on Monday, PAS man says


(Malay Mail Online) – The former police commando who claimed he was ordered to kill Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu is expected to speak to the Malaysian media this Monday in a teleconference organised by PAS, a party leader said today.

Datuk Mahfuz Omar said Sirul Azhar Omar, who is currently in Australia, will speak to the press for about 15 minutes although the Pokok Sena MP said he does not know if the ex-corporal would divulge more details about the case during the teleconference

“I don’t think he will make the expose then… but he will speak to the media and the media can ask him what they want.

“It will be a 15 minute teleconference,” Mahfuz, who is PAS information chief, told Malay Mail Online.

Sirul, who is currently held in Australia, recently told Malaysiakini in an interview that he is considering revealing why he and another former police commando shot dead the Mongolian model and blew her body up with explosives.

Apart from claiming that he had merely acted under orders then, he also said that the Federal Court should have called his then-superior, deputy superintendent Musa Safri, to testify.

Earlier today, Mahfuz reiterated his recent demand that the police investigate Sirul’s claims that he had acted under instruction since the the motive behind the murder had yet to be established.

The PAS lawmaker noted that Sirul had in an interview with Malaysiakini said “the important figure who had the motive” was still free and that he was made the scapegoat for it.

“The police should try and verify his allegation first instead of just dismissing it blindly to prove that PDRM is transparent and impartial.

“The police can actually just send officers to Australia to record his statement,” Mahfuz said.

Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar has, however, dismissed any possibility of a reopening the case, saying Sirul had his chance to prove his innocence during the trial.

He also said the police is prohibited from investigating the matter since what Sirul said was merely “hearsay”.

The national police chief has since come under heavy criticism from the opposition for issuing such statements.

Mahfuz also criticised Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today for his curt response to Sirul’s claims.

“Najib called Sirul’s claims utter rubbish. This is perplexing because Sirul did not even mention or implicate Najib in his allegation so why did he give such response?” He asked.

Yesterday Najib called the allegations “utter rubbish” when asked by reporters to comment on Sirul’s claim before storming off.

Mahfuz said the prime minister should instead initiate an investigation as the case involves public interest.

