For sake of Malays, ex-CJ says PAS must save BN from GE14 defeat

Abdul Hamid Mohamad

(Malay Mail Online) – Former Chief Justice Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad told PAS today to join Barisan Nasional (BN) should the ruling coalition lose the next general election, in order to protect Malay interests and the position of Islam.

Abdul Hamid said in a letter penned to Mingguan Malaysia, the Sunday edition of Umno-linked paper Utusan Malaysia, that PAS should also ally with BN to prevent states, such as Perak from falling to Pakatan Rakyat partners DAP and PKR.

“PAS must realise that allying with the DAP and PKR will lead to sacrificing the interests of the Malays and Islam,” said Abdul Hamid in the article titled “Sebab Umno-PAS perlu bekerjasama” (Why Umno and PAS need to unite) .

“At the federal level, PAS can choose to join the Cabinet and sit with Barisan Nasional representatives in Parliament.

“Or, they can choose not to join the Cabinet and sit separately in Parliament as ‘independent’ representatives, but support the Barisan Nasional government in issues that involve Malay-Muslim interests,” the former chief justice added.

Abdul Hamid’s renewed proposal for a PAS-Umno unity government comes after PAS spiritual adviser and Chempaka assemblyman Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat — who had remained adamant against the Islamist party allying with Umno — died on February 12 from prostate cancer.

Kelantan Umno liaison chairman Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed reportedly said recently that BN may not contest the by-election in the Chempaka state constituency in Kelantan.

Abdul Hamid acknowledged today that PAS would not likely join BN in the near future, but urged the Islamist opposition party to leave the PR pact.

“The Malays and Muslims lose out with Pakatan Rakyat,” he said.

He also claimed that BN and its predecessor, the Alliance Party, had protected Malay-Muslim interests since independence through policies like the pro-Bumiputera New Economic Policy and government agencies like Permodalan Nasional Berhad, Tabung Haji and Mara, among others, besides providing scholarships and positions in the civil service.

“I don’t think a Pakatan Rakyat government will do such things. Therefore, Malay rights and the position of Islam will be threatened if the Barisan Nasional government led by Umno falls,” said Abdul Hamid.

He further claimed that the DAP would be the dominant party should PR win federal power as it would not take PKR seriously without de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who was recently sentenced to jail for five years for sodomy.

“The DAP will no longer ‘listen’ to PAS,” said Abdul Hamid.

“The Chinese support the DAP because the DAP promises them something extra and because they want more than what they can get under Barisan Nasional’s rule. Where will that ‘extra’ portion come from? Definitely from the Malays,” he added.

The former chief justice accused the Chinese of challenging matters related to Islam, such as Friday sermons, and alleged that the ethnic minority was not happy with the “special” things that the Malays enjoy.

“They want everything to be divided ‘equally’. They know that if this is done, they can take everything because they control the economy, they’re rich and they’re more developed in all areas.

“They actually want Malay rights without sacrificing their own rights,” said Abdul Hamid.

