I Would Rather Jump From A Building Than Join The Opposition


(The Borneo Post) – Putatan MP Datuk Dr Marcus Makin Mojigoh yesterday said he would rather jump off a bridge or a building than joining the opposition.

“I would rather jump from a building than joining the opposition because they are dangerous. More crocodiles there; they will swallow me. But then there are also a lot of crocodiles in BN (Barisan Nasional) but I can handle them,” he told media representatives after officiating at the UTC Welfare Unit Chinese New Year celebration here yesterday.

Mojigoh was commenting on Deputy Chief Minister cum Agriculture Minister Datuk Yahya Hussin’s statement that the former should resign and join the opposition since he questioned the government’s policies.

He said that he had recently met with Yahya and the latter was quite cordial towards him.

Nevertheless, he warned that if Yahya continued to pursue and if other BN members also asked him to jump, then perhaps he would jump.

“The more they do that, the more I will make noise. So don’t mess with me. If they provoke me, I can be a good provoker too,” he said.

Mojigoh then spoke of his principles, saying that if things went against his conscience, he would question them.

“The issue of me questioning the authorities in banning Teresa Kok into Sabah – I ask you first… is Teresa Kok really dangerous? Are you scared of her coming to the state? If you are scared, then I am alright. That means you are scared of Teresa Kok. But if you are not scared, then why ban her? Are we so weak that we are scared of Teresa Kok? No I don’t think so,” he said.

Mojigoh said that as a member of parliament, he would put up his defence if Teresa caused trouble in Sabah.

“We are better than Teresa Kok,” he said.

He said the practice of banning politicians from entering the state and putting them into jail were no longer acceptable today.

“That is the old-timers’ politics … the young people don’t like such political games. They want to express, to listen, to read what is going on. They are interested in the social media and in going viral. So let us sing the tune of the young people. Let Teresa Kok come here. It is up to the people to accept what she is saying or not,” he said.

A reporter who was present then asked why he only began critising the BN government after being part of it for so long.

“You have been part of BN for so long. Shouldn’t you be accustomed with their culture?” the reporter asked.
In response, Mojigoh said this was because many things that weren’t happening before were occurring now.

“The (alleged conversion of the) student in Kinarut and the statement by a government minister blaming the Chinese for the price increase of goods. Is that right? There are many other things,” he said.

Mojigoh added that he was raising issues that were close to the hearts of the Sabah people.

“When I come to see them, they ask me about the issues and what I was going to do about them,” he said.

At the same time, Mojigoh, who is also the vice president and treasurer general of United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Organisation (UPKO), was also asked if his party was against his views.

He stressed that the opinions he expressed were his own.

“They are my personal stance. Whether UPKO agrees or disagrees with me, I leave it to them. They can also take disciplinary action against me. I am just a leader voicing based on my conscience. If my party doesn’t like it, they should ask me for a show cause letter. The same with BN. If Najib (Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) doesn’t like what I said, I am waiting for the letter. I am ready to jump off the bridge.”

And on whether the UPKO leadership had issued him a warning, Marcus replied: “Do they dare? They know who I am. I wouldn’t give a damn if they like me or not. I don’t care but I am (the one) elected.”

Mojigoh also commended on the organising of the UTC Welfare Unit Chinese New Year open house celebration and said it was a welcome sign from the government.

He urged for such centre to be established in other towns in Sabah after seeing the type of services they were offering to the people.

Among the services rendered at UTC were centres for troubled youths, a centre for senior citizens to gather, a day care centre as well as a gymnasium.
