PAS leaders rankled by Gobind’s statement

dap pas hudud

They say they won’t budge from supporting hudud in Kelantan.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Several PAS leaders today gave resentful reactions to a DAP statement that practically told the Islamist party to leave Pakatan Rakyat if it insisted on implementing hudud in Kelantan.

The statement was made yesterday by DAP Legal Bureau chief Gobind Singh Deo. He told PAS it would no longer be seen as part of the opposition alliance if it went ahead with its hudud plan.

Gobind’s statement was first dismissed by PAS Assistant Secretary General Takiyuddin Hassan yesterday with a reminder that DAP was not in charge of the opposition.

In a Facebook posting today, PAS Central Committee member Nasrudin Hassan said DAP should be the party to leave Pakatan if it insisted on opposing the push for hudud in Kelantan.

Nasrudin pointed out that DAP once left Barisan Alternatif – the predecessor of Pakatan – because it opposed PAS’ championing of hudud.

He added that threats from DAP leaders would not make the party budge from its principles and policies.

“Expecting PAS to end its struggle towards implementing God’s law is like waiting for catfish to grow scales,” he said.

Another member of the Central Committee, Nik Mohd Abduh Abdul Aziz, said DAP was behaving like a child stomping his feet for not getting what he wants.

He said DAP was angry merely because PAS was not doing what would please it.

“It’s the same way children would behave if they can’t get what they want. They would stomp their feet about in front of their mothers. That is natural for children. The big problem here is that the people in DAP are no longer children.”

Kelantan PAS Youth Chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari said the party should not entertain such a provocation from DAP, adding that the Kelantan government should move forward to ensure that hudud is fully enforced.


