Jho Low threatens to sue The Edge, The Malaysian Insider


(The Malaysian Insider) – Businessman Jho Low has threatened to sue The Edge and The Malaysian Insider over articles about his involvement with 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) if the publishers do not retract the stories.

In a letter of demand dated February 26 issued by his lawyers and carried in the current edition of The Edge Malaysia, March 2-8, Low demanded a retraction of “false and defamatory assertions” in an article titled “Razak family concerned about inheritance talk, say siblings” published in the news portal on February 24.

Low’s lawyers also demanded that The Edge and The Malaysian Insider refrain from writing similar articles in the future.

The Edge publisher and group CEO Ho Kay Tat said in a note published alongside the letter that the group received several letters in recent weeks from lawyers representing Low, accusing The Edge and The Malaysian Insider of publishing articles which allegedly defamed the businessman.

“Low’s lawyers have threatened to commence legal action if we do not retract these articles that The Edge Media Group has published, and if we do not refrain from writing similar articles in the future.

“We would like to state here that The Edge Media Group stands by all the articles we have published about Mr Low and about 1Malaysia Development Berhad, and we will continue to publish news stories about Mr Low and about 1Malaysia Development Berhad as and when it is merited,” Ho said.


