PAS wont wait for DAP on hudud, says deputy MB

Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah

(The Star) – Kelantan PAS will no longer entertain the calls by DAP to postpone the amendments to the Syariah Criminal Code 1993 to be inserted in two Private Members Bills to be tabled in Parliament to get the nod to enforce hudud laws state-wide.

Party’s deputy State commissioner I Datuk Mohd Amar Abdullah said any explanations given for the Hudud agenda will only fall on deaf ears.

“I have explained the reasons behind the hudud agenda by the Kelantan Government to the top leaders of DAP at least four times and what more do they want,

“And again, I want to reiterate that the Kelantan hudud push was incepted long before the inception of Pakatan Rakyat was formed and I believe this call to postpone the move this month should stop,” said Mohd Amar, after attending the state executive councillors meeting here on Wednesday.

Mohd Amar, who is also Kelantan deputy Mentri Besar and state hudud technical committee chairman, was asked to comment on the latest call by DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang to postpone the amendments on March 18, until the original draft had been scrutinised by the PR presidential council.

