Cabinet backs Najib’s mandate to verify 1MDB Account


(Bernama) – The Cabinet supports the directive by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak for the Auditor-General to independently verify the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) accounts.

Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal in a statement said the Cabinet, was briefed by 1MDB and its auditors Deloitte on a number of allegations made against the strategic investment fund.

“The clarification provided by 1MDB and the auditors indicated that there had been no wrongdoing within the company.

“The Prime Minister has also pledged that if any wrongdoing is proven, 1MDB would face legal repercussions,” Mohd Shafie said in the statement, Thursday.

On Wednesday, Najib who is also Finance Minister in a statement said the Auditor-General’s report would be passed for transparent inspection to the Public Account Committee, which is fully bi-partisan.

Following is the full statement by Mohd Shafie on the 1MDB:

“The cabinet was briefed by 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and its auditors Deloitte, on a number of allegations, made against the strategic investment fund.

The clarification provided by 1MDB and the auditors indicated that there had been no wrongdoing within the company.

The cabinet also supports the directive by the Prime Minister, who is also Finance Minister for the Auditor-General to independently verify 1MDB accounts.

In addition, the Auditor-General’s report would be forwarded to the Public Accounts committee, which is fully bi-partisan, for further scrutiny.

The Prime Minister has pledged that if any wrongdoing is proven, 1MDB would face legal repercussions.

