Is it illegal for non-Muslims to stop spread of Islam to other non-Muslims?


If you don’t want someone trying to convert you, you too don’t try to convert someone. 

Ravinder Singh, MMO

So Isma has admitted that the giving of free Qurans is a proselytisation project, which was denied earlier, and not a no-strings-attached project to help non-Muslims understand Islam and dispel their fears of Islam as a religion of extremism. This also gives the lie to the purpose of recording the personal data of those given the free Quran.

Razali Zakaria, a senior editor with Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia’s (Isma) media wing, Media Isma Sdn Bhd, is blowing hot and cold that non-Muslims are trying to stop the spread of Islam among Malaysians by complaining about the distribution of free copies of the Quran.

He reminded non-Muslims that the Federal Constitution allows Muslims to convert anybody, whereas non-Muslims may only spread their teachings among themselves and not to Muslims.

Yes, what the Constitution says is correct. But can Razali Zakaria point out any provision of the Constitution that says a non-Muslim cannot advise another non-Muslim not to convert into a religion from which he will not be able to get out of?

Is Isma saying that I will be committing a crime if I go up to a non-Muslim who is being proselytised by a Muslim and tell the non-Muslim to think very carefully before he makes his decision to convert for converting to Islam in Malaysia is a very narrow one-way street with no U-turn?

Let us compare proselytising to direct sales. The sales tactics are similar — highlighting only the “goodness” of the product to make a sale. The “goodness” is usually exaggerated, and the targets are pressured into making an on the spot decision with statements such as “this offer is valid only for today.”

Thus, to be fair to the public, the Direct Sales Act provides a 10-working-day cooling off period during which they can reflect, research, discuss with others, and decide whether they really want to go ahead with the direct-sale purchase. If they decide not to, they can terminate the deal before expiry of the cooling off period and get back any deposits paid.

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