‘PR’s fate will be decided at PAS Muktamar’


(The Rakyat Post) – The 61st PAS Muktamar to be held in June will decide the future of Pakatan Rakyat, says a DAP assemblyman.

This was because choosing the wrong leaders would cause a split in PR, Selangor DAP Wanita chief Hannah Yeoh explained.

“I believe that my PAS allies will make the right decision and continue to champion PR,” said the state assembly Speaker at a Ceramah in Shah Alam here.

The 2015 PAS Muktamar is expected to be a heated affair as the elections for the party’s 2015-2017 leadership line-up is expected to see a clash between two opposing camps.

One camp is aligned to PAS and its policies while the other, to pro-Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

PAS Research Centre chief operation officer Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marsuki had previously said disunity within the party was unavoidable and predicted that the group that would lose in the party elections would exit PAS and form a new party.

Zuhdi said PAS was challenged by DAP, its coalition member, especially since the latter had opposed the implementation of Hudud in Kelantan.

Commenting on the “war” between PAS and DAP, Yeoh urged the leadership of both parties to meet each other to resolve the issues that arose and not fight publically through the media.

“I get upset when PR leaders refuse to hold meetings.

“Although many would be angry with me, I will still say it. If we cannot meet and discuss, we are not yet ready to become the Federal Government.”

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has been criticised previously for not attending PR’s Leadership Council Meeting.

