Muhyiddin Gives Najib An Open “Slap In The Face”


Do you all notice that so far ALL the press statements about 1MDB have NOT come from Najib? It is all issued by the PMO. And last nite the press was handled by Menteri Kotak Ikan. The president is definitely avoiding the issue. 

OutSyed the Box

Well if I mentioned the DPM was present yesterday that was a mistake. My apologies. My info said last nite (after which I went to sleep, its a daily routine) that only 153 Ketua Bahagian attended. So 38 KB did not attend.

Many Ketua Bahagian from Sabah and Johor did not attend. Sabah because it was super high tide yesterday and Johor because Sunday is a working day in that state.

Yes totally conspicuous with his absence was Deputy PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin. News is Mukhriz was also absent. The MB of Johor Khaled Noordin also did not attend. As I said it was a working day in Johor yesterday.

Menteri Kotak Ikan did say that Muhyiddin had other things to do. What he did not say was that whatever else Muhyiddin had to do was obviously far more important than listening to kangkung.  (Its a joke isnt it – it is the most important gathering of UMNO chiefs for the year, which has been announced so far in advance, yet  the deputy party president refused to come, he had more important things to attend to. What could be more important? Pelancaran skim buku teks percuma yang memang dah percuma dah?)

Here is something weird – the president exited early and in a hurry. Of all the excuses he could make, he said that he was rushing off to a dinner with ‘Malay Mail Online’? Betulke? Can anyone confirm this? Rushing off for dinner with the No 1 anti gomen newspaper with a printing permit?

Most obviously he did not want to entertain any questions or bump into the Press. Do you all notice that so far ALL the press statements about 1MDB have NOT come from Najib? It is all issued by the PMO. And last nite the press was handled by Menteri Kotak Ikan. The president is definitely avoiding the issue.

That is not good news at all – for Najib.

Someone smsed me this morning – “Did you know that the first UMNO politician to persuade Pak Lah to withdraw was Muhyideen in an interview given to Utusan Malaysia”.

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