Muhyiddin should ‘take over’ ASAP, says Zaid


Former law minister believes DPM is already making his moves judging by his statements on 1MDB last week.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim has said that Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin should not wait a moment longer in taking over the leadership of the country.

Taking to Twitter yesterday, Zaid said the country needed a new leader, new direction and a new message of hope.

“DPM should take over as soon as possible. The country needs a new leader. New emphasis new direction new message of hope.”

Zaid even went so far as to suggest that Muhyiddin switch camps to the Pakatan Rakyat just to ensure that his chances of assuming the role of prime minister stays more or less intact.

“I suggest TS Muhiyuddin join the opposition. That way he still has a chance to be PM,” Zaid said, hinting that Pakatan Rakyat was way more popular with the people at the moment than Barisan Nasional could ever hope to be.

On March 6, Zaid tweeted, “DPM making some bold statements on 1MDB. He must have calculated its worth the risk.”

These tweets from Zaid came in the wake of scathing exposes on 1Malaysia Development Berhad by whistleblower website Sarawak Report that put prime minister Najib Razak in a bad light.

On Wednesday, Najib instructed the Auditor-General to independently verify 1MDB’s accounts although saying in the same breath that the government was clear of any wrongdoing.


