White House pulls down online petition on Anwar’s release


The online petition was said to have violated the website’s terms of participation.

(Free Malaysia Today) – An online petition requesting the United States government to negotiate with Malaysia for the release of Anwar Ibrahim from prison, was suddenly pulled down from the White House website, just days before its March 12 deadline of 100,000 signatures.

Put up by former US ambassador to Malaysia John R Malott in February this year, soon after the opposition leader was sentenced to prison for sodomy, all that’s left of the petition is a notice of apology for its removal.

“Thanks for your interest in We the People, a new tool on WhiteHouse.gov that allows all Americans to ask the Obama Administration to take action on a range of important issues facing our country.

“The petition you are trying to access has been removed from the site under our Moderation Policy because it is in violation of our Terms of Participation,” the notice read.

Meanwhile, the Malay Mail Online reported that DAP lawmakers had been campaigning around the clock to hit the targeted number of signatures so that the Obama administration would have to consider the request of the petition as pledged on the website.


