Dr M, are you ready to answer for your corrupt ways too?


While it is good that Mahathir Mohamad is needling Najib Razak over 1MDB, he himself has yet to admit to his many corrupt practices while PM.

Rahman Mohd Irwan, Free Malaysia Today

Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has declared war for all intents and purposes against the Malaysian Government in his blogsite Chedet, with multiple attacks against 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) and current Prime Minister Najib Razak in a 29-point posting.

Since he feels it is alright for him to ask so many questions based on what others are claiming to be shady dealings by 1MDB and Najib, maybe it’s time for him to also answer so many claims of corruption made against him.

Dr M should start by replying to one of his most vocal critics – hedge fund manager George Soros – who outlined a very long list of the former PM’s wrongdoings in an article published in The Bangkok Post in 2012. Soros has made his opinion of Dr M clear. “Your 3 sons are worth US$8 billion. Where do they get this money? Of course, corruption.”

“You are known as the Marcos of Malaysia, having enriched yourself to the tune of billions.”

“You have more foolishness than most people would believe. Billions are used to build two high rise Petronas buildings that benefit nobody. They now stand tall, a symbol of stupidity and irresponsibility.

“What is this reclamation of 10 islands off Kedah? Totally absurd and stupid. Of course your benefit is 20%.”

“And the bridge from Malacca to Sumatra across international waters? Why not build a bridge to the moon? I am sure you still can get your 20%.”

“You called me a moron. How can a moron make so much money? By allowing short selling and borrowing millions of shares from your banks, we fund managers made millions out of your inexperience and poor regulations.”

“You lose all Malaysians’ money, therefore you are the moron.”


