Dr M going in for the kill


Shahbudin Husin notes that the former PM has implicated Najib’s family for the first time since he started attacking 1MDB

(Free Malaysia Today) – Mahathir Mohamad’s latest attack on Prime Minister Najib is done in the manner of someone going in for the kill, political analyst Shahbudin Husin says in a blog article he posted last night.

He notes that the former prime minister has brought in the name of a member of Najib’s family for the first time since he started attacking 1MDB and, indeed, since he withdrew his support for the man he chose as Abdullah Badawi’s successor.

Shahbudin figures that Mahathir, in mentioning Najib’s stepson Riza Aziz, was actually attacking the Prime Minister’s wife, Rosmah Mansor.

“By associating the stepson’s wealth with the 1MDB scandal, Mahathir’s attack this time is definitely directed at Rosmah Mansor, who has long been seen as the heaviest burden on Najib, Umno and the government,” he writes.

“It shows that Mahathir has taken off his gloves and will keep walloping until Najib’s back is against the wall.”


