Tony Pua to be hauled up over “Royal” tweet

Tony Pua

(The Star) – DAP national publicity chief Tony Pua can expect police to come knocking on his door over a tweet he posted after the detention of PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar.

“@PDRMsia akan panggil YB Ini menjelaskan apa maksud beliau dgn ‘Royal my foot’. Adakah di tujukan kpd Raja2 Melayu? (@PDRM will call this YB to explain what he means by ‘Royal my foot’. Is it directed to the Malay rulers?” Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar tweeted via @KBAB51 on Monday.

Pua, the Petaling Jaya Utara MP, had earlier tweeted “Bastards. Real bastards. Royal my foot” along with a link to an article on Nurul Izzah’s arrest.

The post has now been edited to just read “Bastards”. Pua could not be reached for comment.

Nurul Izzah was remanded overnight at the Jinjang police station under the Sedition Act. Her remand hearing is expected at 10am on Tuesday.

She was alleged to have made seditious remarks while delivering a speech in Parliament on behalf of her father, jailed Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, last Tuesday.

The Lembah Pantai MP was detained at the Dang Wangi police station on Monday at 3.30pm after giving her statement on the March 7 “Kita Lawan” rally.

