DAP’s fault if Pakatan breaks, PAS ulama say after Kelantan tables hudud amendments


(Malay Mail Online) – The PAS ulama wing said today that the DAP is to blame if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) splits up after Kelantan tabled amendments to its hudud bill this morning.

PAS ulama information chief Datuk Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali at-Takiri pointed out that the PR leadership council had said on September 28, 2011, that it acknowledged that the Kelantan Shariah Criminal Code Enactment II 1993 and the Terengganu Shariah Criminal Enactment 2003 existed before PR was formed, and that PKR and PAS respected DAP’s differing stand on the matter.

“Once more, I stress that the key to PR’s stability is mutual respect between us,” Mohd Khairuddin said in a statement.

“Unfortunately, the DAP is not behaving such. Therefore, if PR is weak, it’s because of the DAP’s disrespect towards PAS, not because PAS insists on implementing Islamic criminal laws,” he added.

The PAS Kelantan state government tabled earlier today amendments to the Kelantan Shariah Criminal Code Enactment II 1993, despite repeated objections from DAP leaders who have said PR may have no choice but to break up over the controversial hudud law.

DAP legal bureau chairman Gobind Singh Deo said yesterday that the Islamist party’s attempt to enforce the strict Islamic penal code violated the federal opposition pact’s common policy framework.

DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang said recently that PAS’ insistence on hudud will not just condemn PR, but also any chance to unseat BN from federal power.

Mohd Khairuddin said whether PR splits or remains together depends on the pact’s component parties, not Umno.

“As an enemy in the political realm, of course Umno wants PR to split. But it is our stand and attitudes as allies that will determine the fate of our relationship,” he said.

“If the DAP chooses to respect PAS’ struggle and doesn’t oppose any of PAS’ efforts to realise its struggle through democratic channels, then PR will become stronger and it’ll be respected by friend and foe alike and the rakyat,” the cleric added.

Among the amendments tabled to the hudud bill in Kelantan are that the hudud law now only applies to Muslims, while anal sex in marriage has been outlawed.

The new hudud bill also no longer lists lesbian sex, necrophilia and bestiality as crimes.

