Najib subjected to ‘friendly fire’


Salleh Said Keruak

The saying that the next general election is not for Pakatan Rakyat to win but for Barisan Nasional to lose does not ring any truer than now. It appears like some Barisan Nasional leaders, in particular those from Umno, are bent on helping Pakatan Rakyat form the next federal government.

During WWII, the slogan in the UK was ‘loose lips sink ships’. That meant if you do not keep your mouth shut then Britain would face the danger of the enemy taking advantage of all that loose talk, in particular regarding secrets sensitive to the security of the country.

Have we not learned from the disaster of 2008? In the euphoria to topple the then Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Barisan Nasional suffered in the 2008 general election, which it was never able to recover from in the election following that in 2013. And the current attacks by the President’s own party leaders would be more damaging.

With some Umno leaders playing the leading role in attacking the Prime Minister and party President, the opposition can sit back and relax and let Umno help Pakatan Rakyat win the election. This in essence is what is happening.


