PAS knows what they’re doing in Kelantan, says Khalid


MP says that PAS Kelantan “never claimed that the Hudud bill was part of the common policy framework.”

(Free Malaysia Today) – We never claimed that the Hudud bill was part of the common policy framework, said PAS Central Committee member Abdul Khalid Samad in response to PKR’s statement that PAS went against the manifesto.

“That’s their interpretation. We never claimed it was part of the common policy framework. We’ve always acknowledged that,” said Khalid in a media interview outside the Dewan Rakyat today.

The earlier statement released by PKR had charged that PAS Kelantan had not kept the common interests of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in mind in its push for an entirely new Enactment under the guise of an amendment to the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code II 1993.

“But we still believe that what has been tabled was basically an amendment,” said Khalid.

“We’re leaving it to all the parties to decide for themselves. They have various reasons for their disagreement – it’s up to them, but it’s not something which is within the common policy framework, so they’re not obliged to support it.”

The statement also said that PKR would have preferred if PAS Kelantan had respected the consensus made earlier with Pakatan Rakyat, despite their respecting the right and stance of the Kelantan government to table the said Enactment.

Khalid also went further to say that it was an issue specific to Kelantan, and one that PAS Kelantan knew how to handle best.


