DAP Sarawak: Either PAS leaves or we leave


The passage of the hudud Enactment by the Kelantan Assembly on Thursday is tantamount to back-stabbing Pakatan Rakyat

(Free Malaysia Today) – DAP Sarawak Chairman, Chong Chieng Jen, sees Pakatan Rakyat in Sarawak in the near future as one without the participation of PAS following the decision by its Kelantan Chapter to pass the hudud Enactment in the Assembly on Thursday.

Chong had also, not so long ago, demanded that the Sarawak Chapter of PAS distance itself from the efforts being made by the Kelantan Chapter of the party on hudud, but to no avail.

“Either PAS or DAP has to leave Pakatan Rakyat in Sarawak,” said Chong who is also Bandar Kuching MP. “It’s either they leave or we will leave.”

“The passage of the hudud Enactment by the Kelantan Assembly is tantamount to back-stabbing. They were in cahoots with Umno.”

Chong was commenting on the future of the opposition alliance in Sarawak in the wake of the hudud Enactment passed unanimously on Thursday by the Kelantan Assembly.

He did not touch on PKR central committee member and lawyer, Latheefa Koya¸ warning Muslims not to fall victim to the politics of PAS whose ulama had come up with a version of hudud which cannot be found in the Quran.

He disclosed that DAP Sarawak would be meeting soon to discuss the “back-stabbing” issue.


