Why do our politicians beat around the bush?


Our politicians prefer to play cat and mouse games, hinting at this or that but hardly ever talking straight.

TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today

I am just so irritated by Malaysian politicians. Why can’t they talk straight based on principles? Why do they play a cat and mouse game? Why do they play with our lives?

I think politicians just don’t get it. Hudud is not related to parking ticket offences. Hudud will fundamentally and irreversibly change the ethos of this country and our way of life. Why can’t politicians be more serious and thoughtful when dealing with it?

So was there a directive or not by the central leadership of UMNO and PKR to their respective state assemblymen in Kelantan to vote for, against or abstain from voting on the hudud bill as tabled by PAS? I am sure all political parties have a policy on this important issue. So can we hear these directives now loud and clear?

To me there is not much to speculate on regarding UMNO’s directive since the party and PAS have already formed a technical committee to work on hudud.

But what about PKR? What was the directive? At first Ruslan Puteh, the sole PKR state assemblyman in Kelantan, said he did not raise his hand. Later, he said he voted for the enactment but was directed by his party (PKR) not to comment further. He then said: “it’s up to people’s perception on what they want to think”. Seriously, what the heck is this supposed to mean?

After the bill was passed, PKR said there was a directive to the assemblyman to stay away during the voting. So which is which? Was there a directive to stay away or not? If so, why was the assemblyman there voting in favour of the bill in defiance of the party’s directive? Is the party going to take disciplinary action against him?

And what about PRK’s top leaders? Why were they so ambiguous when the bill was first mooted and subsequently tabled in Kelantan? Why was there no unequivocal opposition to the bill before it was passed, the way DAP opposed it? I guess you fellows are more concerned with counting “gains and losses” rather than the dire consequences of hudud.

Today, I read another report on hudud, but this time by Gerakan President Mah Siew Keong, which to me is equally perplexing. He says Barisan Nasional parties adopted a common platform on hudud. I would assume that BN’s common platform is inclusive of UMNO’s participation.

He said the common platform will be made known within two to three days. But when asked to comment on whether the common platform would declare its opposition to PAS’ plan to table the private member’s Bill in Parliament, he clammed up.

It is just so bizarre to me. Does he know the content of BN’s common platform or not? Worse still, he was quoted as saying Gerakan has already initiated legal action on hudud implementation.


