Mat Sabu: DAP cutting ties with Hadi impacts PAS


(The Star) – DAP cannot cut off ties with PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang without affecting the Islamist party negatively, said Mohamad Sabu.

The PAS deputy president urged the leaders of Pakatan Rakyat to meet and solve the problems plaguing the loose opposition pact.

“If a solution cannot be found, the relationship will become worse. I believe that if there is a willingness to remain in Pakatan Rakyat there will be a solution, no matter how sour the relationship,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng had told Hadi to leave Pakatan Rakyat if he insisted on tabling the private member’s bills needed enforce to hudud in Kelantan.

“The Pakatan parties and DAP in particular, need to find an immediate solution to strengthen the pact.

“The best way to do so is for the Pakatan leaders to meet and find a compromise to keep on going,” said Mat Sabu, as he is popularly known.

On Monday, Lim reaffirmed DAP’s commitment to Pakatan Rakyat while maintaining its opposition to the implementation of PAS’ hudud.

The party also said it was unable to work with Abdul Hadi, labelling him as “dishonest” and “dishonourable”.

