Looks like Umno has played out PAS


PAS thought it could have its cake and eat it too by remaining in the PR coalition but still having its way on hudud through the support of other Muslim MPs.

Scott Ng, FMT

If statements by Nancy, Nazri and Bung Mokhtar are any indication, hudud is a no-go to BN, including Umno.


We have debated, squabbled and quibbled about hudud for the longest time now, and most of us draw the same conclusion on the issue – it is nearly impossible to implement it in Malaysia as it would require two thirds of Parliament to vote for a special dispensation. This is attributed to hudud’s nature as a criminal justice system that would contradict the Federal Constitution’s position as the ultimate law of the land.

PAS believes otherwise, perhaps bolstered by the support it drew from the Umno representatives in the Kelantan state government. However, it is important to remember that what Umno approves of is not necessarily what BN approves of despite its position as the dominant party in the ruling coaition.

In the case of hudud, one must pay attention to the recent statement by Law Minister Nancy Shukri. Nancy herself is not a member of Umno, but her position as a Cabinet Minister lends weight to her words, especially if one were to extrapolate that Nancy was stating the position of the Cabinet on the issue.

In politics, off the cuff remarks can result in disaster, and thus we must assume that Nancy’s assertion that hudud would be extremely difficult to pass through Parliament given the complications that would arise from having two separate justice systems was a response deemed to be appropriate by the rest of the Cabinet. Her statement was similar to the one made by her predecessor Nazri Aziz on the issue, and we can thus assume that BN as a whole will not support the passing of PAS’ private member’s bill in Parliament.

Nazri’s statement was even more damning to the cause of hudud than Nancy’s. He said, “They are all stupid, whoever is talking about this from whichever political party. This can only happen if there is an amendment to the Federal Constitution. So why even talk or bother about something that is against the Constitution and will not happen? Exercise in futility.”

We assume here that “they” refers to PAS and DAP, which are quarrelling over the issue.

Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2015/03/26/looks-like-umno-has-outplayed-pas/
