DAP dreaming if they think they can split Sabah BN, says State Assembly Speaker


(The Star) – DAP is dreaming if they believe that they can split Sabah Barisan Nasional by throwing names of incumbent state cabinet ministers as new chief ministers, said Sabah Umno deputy chairman Datuk Salleh Tun Said.

Salleh said that DAP was trying very hard to split the Sabah Barisan coalition by talking about possible new chief minister under his proposed new political coalition to replace Barisan.

The Sabah Assembly Speaker said this in response to the DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang floating the names incumbent cabinet ministers as possible Chief Ministers in the proposed coalition.

Lim had suggested Umno’s Datuk  Hajiji Mohd Noor and Datuk Masidi Manjun; Parti Bersatu Sabah president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan as well as Salleh to be chief minister in the new coalition.

“Maybe his intention is to split us,’’ Salleh said in an immediate response to Lim’s statement made in Kota Kinabalu on Saturday.

Salleh said that the question of a unity government did not arise in Sabah as it was solidly united.

“DAP is just dreaming. Our priority is to stabilize and develop Sabah with our full support for Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman,” he added.

When asked to comment on Lim’s statement, he said that Musa was doing a good job in managing the state and the state leadership fully supports him.

“(Lim might be on) a (political) fishing expedition,’’ Masidi quipped, when asked what he thought DAP’s intentions were with the proposal.

Earlier Saturday, Lim named the current state Barisan leaders when he reiterated his push for a new “Save Malaysia” unity government comprising politicians on both sides of the divide to form a new political coalition to replace the ruling Barisan Nasional.

