DAP should take responsibility and apologise to the voters

Teo Chee Kang

The recent fall out between DAP and PAS speaks volumes of the vulnerability of Pakatan Rakyat to exist as a political alliance. It reaffirms the fact that the very existence of Pakatan Rakyat is premised on mere political convenience. Their conflicting ideologies and fundamental values were all along blinded by their common lust for power.

The call by Lim Kit Siang for a ‘Save Malaysia’ coalition and Sabah DAP’s move for a ‘new Pakatan Rakyat’ are clear admissions that Pakatan Rakyat has failed to work as a team in toto.

I find it somewhat meaningless for the declaration by Sabah and Sarawak DAP to sever ties with the local PAS, but their counterparts in Selangor and Penang are still working together in the same State Governments.

If DAP is serious in severing ties with PAS, they should kick out PAS in the State administrations in Selangor and Penang! Although all along knowing full well that whoever is the PAS President, their agenda to make Malaysia a theocratic Islamic State shall remain in their Party Constitution, DAP merely denounced Hadi Awang but would continue to work with PAS if that serves their political interests. This is clearly a political drama to hoodwink the people.

Now that PAS has succeeded in amending the Syariah Criminal Code II Enactment 1993 to pave way for implementation of Hudud laws in Kelantan, DAP cannot push the blame to others because they were the one who convinced their supporters to vote for PAS by giving assurance that PAS cannot proceed with Hudud laws.

Instead of raising big ideas like ‘Save Malaysia’ and ‘new Pakatan Rakyat’ to divert attention of the people, DAP should take responsibility and apologise to the voters who were misled by them in the General Elections.

Datuk Teo Chee Kang
Liberal Democratic Party

