Pandemonium at GST rally as cops arrest activist

hishamuddin rais

(Malay Mail Online) – Chaos interrupted tonight’s #KitaLawan anti-GST ceramah when a man believed to be activist Hishammuddin Rais was seen being taken away by several plainclothes policemen.

The event to criticise the government’s rollout of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) next week kicked off peacefully at first, with participants streaming into the junction opposite the Kuala Lumpur City Council (DBKL) from around 8pm.

At about 9.40pm, however, there was a brief commotion near the venue when a man resembling Hishammuddin was seen being forcibly dragged into a car.

A group of men in motorcycle helmets were spotted bundling the activist into the car, causing some among the crowd to give chase.

According to onlookers, one of the men, who are believed to be undercover policemen, pointed a gun at one rally participant who had caught up with him and was tugging at his shirt.

After the commotion, rally organisers used the public address system to urge those in attendance to turn to social media to “update your Twitter feeds, tell the IGP, let the PM, the KL mayor know that Hisham (Hishammuddin Rais) has been kidnapped by unknown gunmen.”

Bersih chairman Maria Chin Abdullah later left for Dang Wangi district police headquarters to confirm if Hishammuddin had been brought there.

A statement from PKR a shortly after the incident confirmed Hishammuddin’s detention, adding that he was arrested while on his way to the talk.

“Hishammuddin Rais was caught by the police at the #KitaLawan venue at Dataran Merdeka. He is now at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters,” the statement read.

It further stated that PKR vice-president and Batu MP Chua Tian Chang has also been called up by the police and would likely be detained tonight.

Earlier tonight, Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar had warned that the police will arrest participants of #KitaLawan’s mass rally tomorrow if the event turns chaotic.

Urging the movement to call off the event, the national police chief claimed that there have been several reports from the public claiming that the #KitaLawan rally series has disturbed public peace.

“If we feel that it would lead to chaos, we would take action.

“If you want to organise a rally, you can, it is not like you can’t. But you must follow the laws,” he was quoted saying in a Malaysiakini report.

“Remember that this country has laws and the police. If the police don’t take action… You can think for yourself,” he added.

Khalid also explained last night’s arrest of six people at the #KitaLawan sit-in at Dataran Merdeka, saying the police had to take action when the group “became violent”.

In yesterday’s scuffle, six protesters, including Perak PKR lawmakers, Teja assemblyman Chang Lih Kang and Simpang Pulai assemblyman Tan Kari Hing, were detained for allegedly obstructing public servants from discharging their public functions.

#KitaLawan claimed the six were roughed up by the police during the scuffle but in a Twitter posting to announce the arrests, Khalid said the protesters were the ones who were violent.

Khalid had written: “@PDRMsia malam tadi telah tangkap 6 Ahli Kump Haram KitaLawan di DM yg telah mengganas dgn membelasah P’kuasa DBKL. Ini kah p’himpunan Aman?”

[Translation: @PDRMsia last night captured 6 members of the illegal group KitaLawan at DM that had acted violently by beating up DBKL enforcement: Is this Peaceful assembly?]

Earlier today, police also arrested PKR secretary-general Rafizi Ramli over his circular calling for party members to attend #KitaLawan’s mass rally tomorrow.

But despite facing the threat of arrests, #KitaLawan vowed this evening that its events for tonight and tomorrow will proceed.

Police have so far arrested at least 11 people over previous #KitaLawan rallies.

