Thank God, Pakatan did not win GE13

Ooi Kok Hin

Sure, Barisan Nasional faltered a lot of times and 1MDB is just one out of many reasons why we could have rejected them. But PR, just don’t present themselves as a viable alternative government.

Ooi Kok Hin, The Malaysian Insider

Technically, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) did win the popular vote. But the fact remains that they did not form the federal government and that might be a blessing in disguise.

On May 5, 2013 (505), like many Malaysians, I wished there can be a change for a better Malaysia. “Ubah!” and “Ini, kali lah!” were the battle cries.

Mega-rallies were held across major cities. 84.84% of eligible voters showed up, the highest in the history of Malaysian general elections.

My friends and I gathered at our little home overseas and stayed up all night to follow the results. Alas, when Sabah (PR won 12% of the seats) and Sarawak (19%) were tallied, we knew it was over.

Fast forward today, with heavy heart, I have to say that the 505 disappointment is probably atoned by the dismal state of PR. I suspect even some PR supporters and politicians secretly agree about this.

Let’s take a step back and rewind. Remember when MH370 and MH17 were lost? It is a big tragedy for our nation and we were at the centre of global attention.

I was anxious that our politicians, who have the habit of poor word choice and saying the wrong things to the media, would embarrass us on the international stage.

The handling of MH370 was poor and we, and I mean, we (the country, not just the government), rightly received backlash from international reporters.

But, I have to say that the response to MH17 is much better. Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein held daily press conferences, even after the limelight was gone.

By Malaysian standard, his conduct is professional and his English is good enough. Then, there’s that impressive negotiation brokered by Datuk Seri Najib Razak. At that particular junction and time, I was proud that he is our prime minister.

If you find the above statements nauseating, you can stop reading and go straight to the comment section. If your pro-PR blood is not boiling yet, read on.

Our leaders represent us on the global stage, and I shivered at the thoughts of having some leaders saying to the international press that the tragedy is God’s will, or that the planes were missing because Malaysia Airlines stewardesses were wearing skirts and serving alcohol.

Do you realise how badly that would make us look? Stop for a second and imagine. Done? No, please really think about it because that is what’s at stake every time we choose our representatives.

Sure, Barisan Nasional faltered a lot of times and 1MDB is just one out of many reasons why we could have rejected them. But PR, just don’t present themselves as a viable alternative government.

What if in the midst of those crisis management, the PR government fell? This is a valid question. Recalling Rafizi Ramli’s admission that just before GE13, where several leaders of a component party met with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and said that they do not want him as prime minister (if they win Putrajaya) and suggested Tengku Razeleigh Hamzah (Ku Li) as an option.

With due respect to Ku Li, the rakyat voted with the impression that Anwar is the undisputable leader of PR and the prime minister in waiting. Not only this is backchanneling, but it is a betrayal and manipulation of the rakyat’s trust.

That has to bring us to the mother of all political dramas, the “Kajang Move”. PR destroyed its own credibility with this move. Many people I know who used to be pro-PR became disillusioned with all the multi-layered deceptive moves, and how much they aired their dirty laundry and shooting each other in public view.

For the rakyat, it is simple. Most fence-sitters do not care who the menteri besar is. But what we do know and care about is that they (the PR politicians) are not honest with us.

The rakyat can no longer trust them as plainly as before. And what a mess it was. Rather than a government in waiting, PR seems more like an episode from the “House of Cards” drama series.

If they can’t get their house in order, how can we let them take care of our nation?


