Harussani takes opposite tack to Dr Maza


Perak mufti says hudud is beyond question as Allah’s law, but hasn’t checked about implementation

(Free Malaysia Today) – The muftis of Perlis and Perak have taken opposing stances on whether the hudud Islamic penal code may be questioned.

Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin said on Tuesday that hudud was barely mentioned in the Quran, and most of it was derived from scholarly views (“ijtihad”), which were not divine.

However, in complete contrast, the mufti of Perak, Harussani Zakaria, was quoted today as saying that no one could question the hudud law because it is Allah’s law, however, Muslims could give constructive criticisms to improve the implementation of the law.

Its implementation is compulsory in Islam, Harussani said, according to Bernama.

“I don’t know what (aspects) were being questioned, is it the methods (of implementation) or is it not perfect?…I don’t know, but as far as hudud is concerned, anyone who fights against Allah’s law shall receive punishment from Allah.

“I’m confident that what was tabled was hudud law, but I had not looked into the methods of implementation…maybe it’s the methods that were being criticised…hudud law must be implemented, it is compulsory,” he said after launching the Baitul Ridzuan Tarbiah Complex project in Kampung Manjoi here, Bernama reported.

Harussani said Muslims should stay united and accept the law rather than fight each other over it. “They probably had been thinking too much about it, but when their opinion was rejected by others, they try to defend it,” he was quoted as saying. “Generally, in Islam, no one can question hudud law. Questioning hudud is like questioning Allah’s law,” he was reported to have said.


