Video surfaces of late Karpal Singh saying nobody supported him in opposing PAS’ hudud


(The Star) – A video of the late Karpal Singh has surfaced, where he voices his disappointment that fellow Opposition leaders did not stand with him in opposing PAS’ hudud.

“When it came to hudud laws, nobody supported me. Neither Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, or anybody else. It’s a shame. They should also bertaubat (repent),” said the veteran lawyer, in the 2009 video.

The Bukit Gelugor MP remained a vocal opposer of hudud – which metes out punishments under the Syariah law – until his death last year.

Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker said it was obvious that DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang and Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng are “not as sincere” as their late colleague when it came to rejecting PAS’ hudud.


“For Karpal, it was ‘over my dead body’ as he was aware of PAS trickery, while it was ‘let it pass first’ for Lim Guan Eng as he threw caution to the wind,” said the MCA Religious Harmony Bureau chairman.

He said this was because Guan Eng knew DAP needed PAS support to form the government at both state or federal levels.

Ti added that Karpal’s mind was not clouded or tainted by the same desire.

In reference to this, he said DAP has moved from wanting to be a strong Opposition to wanting to govern, even if it meant “cooperating with the devil” in the case of the father-and-son duo.

“This desire or greed for more power have resulted in them closing their eyes to PAS’ hudud manoeuvre and compromising the rakyat into supporting PAS candidates like Tantawi over Saifuddin in Temerloh during GE13,” said Ti.

