PKR’s death throes are just beginning

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

It is obvious that with Pakatan Rakyat splitting up, PKR is in the boondocks. It is every political observers’ knowledge that, first, PKR has no more than 50,000 card-carrying members nation-wide. Look at their party elections, it is reflective of their membership.

Second, the support it was getting at the polls, at public gathering attendances, (demonstrations, as it chose to call it it) and in the legislative groupings are courtesy of PAS and DAP. In return, the partners were expecting some kind of innovative leadership from Anwar Ibrahim.

At the end, they only got snake-oil to plaster over their differences, and the con man conveniently disappeared when he was needed most. Hudud had been a divisive issue between DAP and PAS even during pre-PR days. Nothing was done to find accommodation since. Vintage Anwar.

Now that PR is effectively no more because of PAS’ insistence on Hudud (they never not insist), PKR chose to side with DAP. Primarily, PKR needs DAP’s support in the Selangor DUN to be able to lead the state coalition government. Plus they can expect certain froggies from PAS ADUNs. Until when? A beggar forever?

The hard truth is there no parliamentary constituency that PKR can claim as its own. As an example, DAP has Bukit Bintang, PAS has Pengkalan Chepa and BN has Putrajaya, amongst others. In fact, all of their seats are ehsan (goodwill) seats compliments of either DAP or PAS. PKR cannot win Sungai Petani if DAP runs there and not Permatang Pauh if PAS runs. Many, many others. Pathetic for a 15-year old party.

The reason being, it has not developed a political philosophy of any worthy kind. It was Anwarism, whatever that is, and because it changes as Anwar wriggled along to retain his apparent dominance. Now that he is gone, is there still time for the opposition to repair the damage of superficial unity?

Lim Kit Siang is talking about PAS losing seats without PR. That is how he thought how pivotal non-Muslim votes were to PAS victories. Sorry to burst your myth LKS, not that many Chinese voters believe or trust in multi-racial, multi-religious comradeship as you imagine. More Malays crossed over to the opposition than non-Malays voting PAS. Now the Malays are not so enthusiastic anymore because of your antics re-Hudud. The Muslim backlash is real.

So DAP will extend its patronage to PKR for it to keep Segambut and the like. But it will not escape Malaysian eyes that PKR is then less than a shadow of its shadowy self. But even a pariah has an option to survive. But it takes innovative leadership of the pragmatic kind. Drop Anwar. He is not worth it. Concentrate on really building PKR. Work hard Azmin.

Otherwise it will remain in the next three years as a supporting chorus barking with DAP or, worse still, Anwar’s personal complaint machine against mosquitos, hard bedding and poor health. You will win sympathy but not power to save the people. This is politics, not some family soap-opera.

If Azmin thinks he can rely on Anwarism to retain the MBship by continuing to be DAP lapdog, his optimism is delusionary. DAP is not that generous. At most, Azmin will be like the PAS Perak MB! Or maybe PKR can join up with Pasma’s Islamists-turn-power-hard-ups and be the ultimate splinter party of chameleons.

After all, it is PKR’s heritage.

