Mohd Amar: DAP needs PAS in 14th GE


(The Star) – “DAP is lucky that PAS does not believe in two wrongs making one right and we will never run down DAP leaders because we respect our allies.”

Kelantan PAS says DAP will lose a lot of seats in the 14th general election and may not be able to defend Penang should PAS leave Pakatan Rakyat.

State PAS deputy commissioner I Datuk Mohd Amar Abdullah agreed that both parties would suffer in the polls if his party left Pakatan, but said PAS would still be able to hold on to Kelantan.

He was responding to a blog posting by DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang on Tuesday that PAS could be wiped out in the next general election because of its move to implement hudud in Kelantan.

Lim admitted that all three Pakatan parties would suffer if the Opposition pact could not be saved, but claimed that it was PAS which would be the biggest loser.

Mohd Amar, who is Deputy Mentri Besar, said yesterday that PAS had been able to hold on to Kelantan for nearly 25 years without the help of DAP or Pakatan.

“PAS had won Kelantan single-handedly and can still hold on to the state with or without the help of DAP. That party needs PAS to go up another notch in the next general election.

“So I can deduce that DAP needs PAS and vice versa and there should be mutual respect and not mud-slinging and running down our president and treating PAS like trash,” he told reporters after attending the state executive council meeting here.

“DAP is lucky that PAS does not believe in two wrongs making one right and we will never run down DAP leaders because we respect our allies.”

Mohd Amar said DAP had no choice but to respect the democratic right of its partner in Pakatan to pursue its hudud agenda, adding that:”PAS will be steadfast in its stand on hudud and whatever happens, good or bad, PAS will persevere with its Islamic agenda.”
