Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir


Nehemiah Kong

It seems many portals and websites are overflowing with Mahadepression – a new word I coined meaning a depressing ambiance caused by the incessant rants of the former PM of Malaysia. If there is any topic, any circumstance, any person you do not like, you blaze local and international MSM and Internet with repetitive rants, complaints and sometimes unreasonable demands.

As a young but loyal Malaysian citizen, I sincerely wish TDM would infuse democratic space with positive suggestions that are reasonable, practical and benefits ALL – not just your fancy ambitions. Instead of condemning each issue, why not offer your expertise to the status quo via proposals to the relevant departments?

I am sure your seasoned experience and enlightened opinions would elicit responses that are more positive and create a harmonious ambiance rather than the attacks, which depresses the nation and brainwashes almost all to be anti-government. The current attacking mode is most damaging and does nothing for nation building.

Dear TDM, I humbly ask you help make Malaysia rise again with your solutions, not your condemnation.

Make Malaysia shine again, by helping us to see how much we can be thankful and tell specifically what you feel is the problem – but behind closed doors, not for all and sundry to see.

Teach Malaysians to be proud of Malaysia by reminding us of our past and current achievements instead of amplifying perceived weaknesses. Let the world look up to Malaysia, not to condemn Malaysia. Do not let Malaysia or our government be a laughing stock.

You have such a legacy of achievements, dear TDM. Do not cast a shadow on those glorious achievements by all the seeds of dissent, negativism, and dissatisfaction you scatter so freely, at the expense of the rakyat’s mental health.

Let the current and future generation grow up with patriotic feelings, national pride by your inspiring and positive remarks, like what you used to do when you inspired us to look forward to Wawasan 2020 and your Look East policies.

With all the bizarre allegations you spew daily, how can any Malaysian be proud of Malaysia, be proud of what you tired for decades to build?

Does it not come to naught?

Please, do not let your hopes and ambitions for your son blind you to the hopes of the rakyat for this nation.

Thank you for all you have done for Malaysia. Despite your failings, we still respect you.

Spare this nation of your condemnation. Teach us to love again. Spread hope and cheer. Let this nation shine again.

